Animal Cosciousness Conference (2023)
Geshe Lhakdor
Introduction to Buddhist understanding of consciousness

Geshe Ngawang Norbu
Mind and mental factors in Buddhist philosophy

Geshe Thabkhe Lodroe
Mind and mental factors in Buddhist philosophy

Geshe Lobsang Sangpo
Consciousness from the perspective of sutra and tantra

Anindya Sinha
To Be conscious or not to be, that is the question.

Andreas Nieder
A bird’s eye view on consciousness

Jennifer Mather
Looking for mental states in Cephalopods

Jonathan Birch
Sentience in decapod crustaceans

Lars Chittka
The mind of a bee

Masanori Kohda
Cleaner fish identify themselves via self-face recognition like humans

Nicholas Humphrey
Evolving sentience

Eva Jablonka
The evolutionary origins of sentience

Walter Veit
Consciousness and evolution

Bjorn Merker
Bounding the topic of animal consciousness with necessary distinctions

Konstantin Anokhin
The emergence of consciousness: completing Darwin’s program

Thomas Suddendorf
The Invention of tomorrow

Michael Tye
Animal consciousness: features and criteria

Pavel Balaban
Cognitive consciousness? Animal sentience? Self-pleasuring snails!

Masanori Kohda
Reconsideration of behaviorism and ethology

Paco Calvo
Planta sapiens and Homo stupidus (or ways to swallow our animal pride)

Alison Hanson
A biological basis of the self

Animal Consciousness: Ethics and Policy
Discussion Session. Animal consciousness: ethics and policy